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or producers. the lucky ones get help from non-profit and international organizations or government assistance programs. The Army Base Camp Integration Laboratory, or
BCIL hosted its second annual "Base Camp resource and energy efficiency-day." Located on 10 acres at Fort Devens, the laboratory has two "force provider" 150-person
base camp. One contains standard technologies, the other offers a glimpse into the army of the energy future. Katherine Hammack, Secretary of the Army for
installations, energy and environment, and Lt. Gen. Raymond V. Mason, Army deputy chief of staff, logistics, were among the participants of the event. They became
refuges, power management, energy information storage, disposal and waste-to-energy systems, alternative energy, micro-grids, energy efficient structures, rigid wall
stock and fired kitchens. It's just great, the progress we make, the systems that we test, "Hammack said." The team here does a fantastic job of looking for new
technologies, test them, always made ??modifications, and the determination of the elasticity of the systems before deploying them. Having our soldiers Mason said all
the work to resources and fuel efficiency has been done to help soldiers focus on their missions. He used the hypothetical example of a forward base in Afghanistan, the
draw with 20 tankers has up to his gate. To protect soldiers in danger that put convoy, "said Mason." Then got this 20 tankers have gotten through your front door. Each
of these trucks be a potential bomb. Then got all have to save that fuel somewhere on your forward base, which means you have to build a larger [FOB] and that the fuel
is a big goal for the either indirect or direct fire. Our goal is to perform this risk by reducing the amount of and reduce down fuel that is needed combat operations.
" And so through better energy management, flexible energy sources, energy lightening the burden on our soldiers - all combined - we are able to redirect our staff and
equipment assets back to the mission, "Hammack said," and that increases our agility and increased our overall efficiency. More than 12,000 service members training at
Fort Devens rotate annually by the BCIL, an invaluable user input on systems that developed here, with the aim of trimming fuel and water consumption at the base camp
by 50 percent. Such innovations such as micro-grids, solar shades, protective liners and shower water reuse systems have already brought this goal closer to reality. If
the cuts to date, will look like in a few years, it's remarkable, "said Kevin Fahey, program
louis vuitton bags executive officer with, Combat Support & Combat Service Support." And I
think a lot of it is our ability to test things and users on it and get feedback quickly and [be] who can prove that this is what we want to put in the soldiers' and
Marines hands on the field. " If we do not spend adequately in science and technology, research and development, we will focus on the battlefield, in a situation where
our enemies to find a comparative advantage over us than the other way contrary to, "Mason said," and our soldiers are at risk in the future more. One minute before he
died, Herv¨¦ le Gallou stood at the edge of a cliff at Obiou, in the French Alps, with acres of air before him the view in the morning 23 June, 2012 was breathtaking.
Moonscape rock walls pocked with snow, in this way gave plateaus of the pale grass and ashen rock, then bottle-green pine forests in the valley and the mountains in the
background Le Gallou wearing a wingsuit, a webbed all-in-one, the base jumping has transformed - the sport where you jump from a fixed object such as a bridge or a
cliff - by too long "pilot" glissando flights in Create speeds of 100 mph or more before pulling their parachutes. Le Gallou once told me that he began Base jumping in
an attempt to create a recurring childhood dream again, the "flying with my arms." Wingsuits, he said, brought him "very close" to this fantasy. Whenever he was at a
starting point, the place from which you jump, was his overriding feeling is not terrorism, but a supernatural vigilance. It was the feeling of a fighter pilot instead
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of a human cannonball. I know exactly what I'm doing, "he said." I just go for fun. There are still some stress, some fear, because there is some risk. But I know
exactly what I can do. Do I know where is my limit. " At 51, Le Gallou was jumping a veteran of thousands of base. But he had never flown from the exit point at Obiou.
To perform its intended flight, he had to lead from the cliff, and then sharply to the right over a ledge. for an experienced pilot, this maneuver was relatively easy.
the next period of the flight was difficult. Le Gallou would glide over a long, moderately sloping plateau. To do this, it was imperative that he pay attention to what
French wingsuit pilots call la finesse: the ratio of forward to backward motion. If it slide in this part of the flight not to keep a reasonable, he had an escape. He
could his parachute and land on the plateau pull this plan, as long as he would the decision to work early enough, but if he saved. too late, he would crash before his
chute could fill with air, at best, would be the easiest., with "une bonne Finesse", continue to fly over the sloping plateau and the pines and finally pull his
parachute above the valley floor. On the morning of 23 June, the chances for a long, bird-like flight in perfect condition seemed good. Nevertheless, dark thoughts Le
Gallou may have attacked. He was tired, unhappy briefly on the practice and with his equipment. The day before, he also received the news that his mother was involved
in a car accident in Paris, the last in a series of misfortunes
michael kors outlet that had plagued his family in recent months. Dave McDonnell, an English friend of Le Gallou, said that
before he finished base jumping, he used three different inner voices at the exit point that he "heard Fear" as "Yes" and "No!" If you all tuned in, there is 'Yes', "he
said." On mediocre days, there are two more votes. One 'fear. "Your body screams at you," Do not do that, ".. because it is dangerous, unnatural, you are here to
overcome your fear But there is another voice that hangs around every now and then, and this is called something is not right you can never point the finger at them
'No' -.. could it be something in the backpack job, or the weather or the people you are jumping with, or mind-set it's just go, "away, do not jump today. "the
difficulty is trying to decide between" "to recognize and" Fear No "because they both tell you the same thing." No "is your sixth sense, trying to save your life is. "
Le Gallou was an unremarkable-looking man of medium height, with a slim build, short brown hair and big eyes I met him only once. In January 2009, in a restaurant in
Paris A friend had told me about an amazing coup. found months previously in Dubai, Le Gallou and McDonnell went to the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, which was still under
construction when engineers will be evaded security, climbed 155 floors on foot and then pounced covered from top at dusk -. becoming the first people from the tallest
building in the world rely jump. I wanted to tell to me about the adventures of Le Gallou. . He was a wonderful storyteller At dinner with entertainment, he recalls
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he creates a fake ID, the lackluster security of the tower deceive Read It: "Herv¨¦ Le Gallou: Technician de Base - Sp¨¦cialiste of Ascenseurs de Descente Rapide".
("Basic Technician - Trade Fast elevators moved down"). Apparently no one asked him about his unusual job title or why his identification was written in French. He also
described a lively scene at the top of the Burj. Explains Le Gallou that when he was in his late 40s, he began to suffer from night blindness. Thus he drew it wait
until dawn to buildings he infiltrated into the dark jump. at the exit point, he and McDonnell watched the desert turn to pink from blue as the day broke over Dubai. at
this moment Le Gallou later recalled: "They believe that everything belongs to you." We also talked about his other notable coups. In 2000, he and a friend, Benoit
Paquet, scaled the exterior of the 88-story Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai in the middle of the night, and jumped at dawn. By 2009 Le Gallou had from the Eiffel Tower 40
times he had jumped, he said, become the de facto "official leader" of the Paris landmark for beginners Jumper -. the one who knew how to get around the cameras and
guards. These stories granted Le Gallou almost mythical status among European base jumpers (to Dubai, his friends jokingly nicknamed l'Aigle d'Arabie:. The Eagle of
Arabia). For McDonnell, were Le Gallou urban adventures "the next thing you could get to a master criminal without getting into too much trouble." When you were not
involved in base-jumping, but it is very unlikely that you will ever have heard of Le Gallou. In recent years, several base jumpers have won a high
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Corliss men like Felix Baumgartner and - the daredevils who plunged from the edge of space-sky - .. YouTube have stars, from brands such as Red Bull but Le Gallou are
not backed for glory He maintained a website, but it was rudimentary, he preferred to share stories, face to face. The sport he loved began in the late 1970s when a
group of American paratroopers led by Carl Boenish began jumping El Capitan, above Yosemite Valley, with regular Sky diving equipment it had been like before jumps -.
For movie stunts and one-kicking - but it was Boenish and his gang to use the term BASE (for building, antenna, span, earth, four kinds of objects, from which it is
possible to jump) invented. It was not until the 1980s and early 1990s that BASE began to merge into a sport. Base specialists originated in Europe and the United
States share know-how when they met. Today, despite a growing interest in base jumping, there are still only a few hundred lines of bridges in Europe and the U.S. When
Le Gallou knew his first jump in 1994, only a few dozen people in France, which was base jumping. He was already an experienced diver sky. After buying a basic rig and
learned from a video grab, he traveled to the Fades viaduct near Clermont-Ferrand in the south of France, braced himself and jumped alone. The experience was a
revelation. When you see the ground come very quickly -. "He told me:" It's more like a suicide as a sport almost certain that I would die I was, you know, because it
was so frightening And if I jumped?. I pulled. And then you have to wait for the
Louis Vuitton Bags opening of the hood. And if you wait, the feeling is ... I do not know in English, the
word. impuissant? " Powerless. Gallou Le spent the rest of his life trying to take control of this stunning milliseconds. To an intermittently illegal sport in which an
error can be fatal to survive, a jumper warning to countless dangers to be. For starters, you only handle a parachute, but is used as the two in the traditional
parachuting. must be accurately packed properly not only your slide, it must also be taken at the right time, with enough distance between you, the object and the
ground. even if the screen properly released, expect a menu of possible problems. If, for example, open "off-course", or just less than, you will find yourself speeding
back towards the cliff or a building, from which you just jumped. This result is known, in the macabre argot of the sport, as an "object strike." For these reasons the
sport has traditionally been seen as much control to freaks, adrenaline junkies to Many European base jumpers from Le Gallou generation are middle-aged men and women
(but mostly men) appealed with solid professions. Dentistry, engineering, IT and so on. few seem to perform particularly risky life. You see the sport as a private
obsession, and public relations, especially for those in high-profile jobs, should be avoided. One of the oldest Le Gallou jumping friends, Joel Gerardin, said that for
Le Gallou, the thrill of the infiltration of a building, jump escape and without notice He added, "indescribable.": "I actually do not know any others in Europe, which
won such an experience in the city jumps, "illegal", without sponsorship, all over the world. Not for the image of himself, only for themselves. " . On this June
morning, there were four other bridges with Le Gallou at Obiou Two were Americans who moved to France, wingsuits fly partially more time in the Alps: Ellen Brennan, a
25-year-old nurse, and her partner, Laurent Frat, a 35 - year-old news producer. The others were Raoul, a 38-year-old engineer and a friend of Le Gallou (the only his
nickname declined to be named, because it is not publicly known that he base jumps). and Ludovic Woerth, a 32-year-old professional wingsuit pilots and a former
employee at adrenaline base, a French-based outfitter Le Gallou wearing a wingsuit by adrenaline and base are made ??by a Croatian company, Phoenix-Fly. Raoul jumped
first, and then Woerth. After completing their flights in the valley for the others waited. Le Gallou jumped third. His flight began well, according to Brennan and
Frat. He banked high on the ledge and then fell out of sight. the two Americans jumped four and five. as they landed in the valley, for flights of more than a minute,
about Le Gallou they asked. Neither Raoul still Woerth had seen him. Four fellow jumper Le Gallou hoped her friend had safely over the plateau pulled his parachute. The
entire trajectory is not visible from either the valley or the exit point and it was possible, they believed that he landed unseen. After walking for a while to get
better phone reception, they tried to call Le Gallou. Nothing. Brennan remembers the opening beers group to celebrate their successful jumps, while they waited for
news. Right after like the first sip of beer maybe, we heard a helicopter comes over, "recalled Brennan." And the helicopters never fly there, unless they make a rescue
gucci bags something .... The worst sound I've ever heard in my life the sound of that helicopter was coming. " A passing hiker saw the fallen Le Gallou and called the mountain
rescue. Gallou had made the Le Plateau and died on impact, stretched out his sky behind him. In the following three jumper published accounts based web sites, detailing
days, what they thought went wrong with the last flight Le Gallou is. Frat wrote that "for reasons we can only speculate, unable to plateau Outfly he was." For Joumana
Seif, Le Gallou former girlfriend, but the accident not be so easily dismissed. Seif, an elegant, 36-year-old orthodontist from French and Lebanese descent, lives in
Geneva. She met Le Gallou by base jumping, and beginning in 2001, she had what she describes as "intense" relationship. they split up in 2005, but remained close
friends. died as Le Gallou, organized several events Seif in his memory, including a cremation in Grenoble, a Catholic Mass in Paris and a base-jumping monument to his
favorite place in the Cirque d'Archiane, in the Alps. I spent two days with Seif in Paris last fall, as we talked about Le Gallou -. Seif often break when she was
crying - .. She told me that two things bothered them centered on the first question of the character of Le Gallou about the accident, she said, was a conservative
base-jumper. (This can be a contradiction appear in itself, but as confirmed by many of his friends recently pressed Le Gallou rarely beyond its borders. Mavericks do
not survive 18 years in a sport like basis.) It seemed implausible Seif that Le Gallou would be a risky have tried to line his escape from Obiou. If he had lost
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finesse, she thinks, he would have learned and lived on the plateau to jump another day. for them there was only one cause of the accident. Equipment trouble the fact
that his parachute was used when he crashed indicated some sort of delay in finding the handle for his pilot chute, the little hood that the larger parachute (if found
handle of the slide is known as precedes. No Pull a search.) Once Le Gallou he recognized was in trouble, he believes Seif precious fractions of seconds trying to
deploy his pilot chute lost. until he did, it was too late. My second concern was Le Gallou helmet camera. It was his habit to record jumps. On the day he died, he was
wearing a ContourHD camera on a rugby helmet mounted. Grief and the search for answers, Seif hunted feverishly for the device. But after the accident, the Contour
camera was not found. It was not collected under the personal belongings of the police. Seif says it investigated the crash site six times with a metal detector, but
found nothing. None of the colleagues jumper Le Gallou had an explanation for what happened to the device. Seif recalled that when she asked for the camera a few days
after the crash of
Louis Vuitton Outlet a jumper told her it was useless to look for it. "" Maybe it's in a million pieces, "he said." Maybe it has a log '. " A few weeks after the
accident, but the camera was 40 meters uphill discovered by the police from the crash site, had left near some flowers Seif. It seemed clear to her that if she can not
prove that the camera had later moved or replaced. the police, the Le Gallou death ruled an accident, finally found the HD card, but said it was unreadable. Seif
remained dogged in their pursuit of what happened, she says that she found a memory card recently, at the point that she believes Le Gallou is that you tried, the
pictures of her it makes it "Omerta" to a Get gearbox problem .. this may have led to Le Gallou accident. When I asked her why she thinks so, a folder with the
documents they have collected about the case. she also spoke of her "intuition." Le Gallou life was consumed by the escape, in both senses of the word. In the 19th
arrondissement of Paris grew up, he was the youngest of three boys. He was close to his mother, but he told friends his relationship with his father, a nuclear
scientist was more tense.Ein heller, aber rebellischen Teenager, Le Gallou nicht Universit?t zu besuchen."Anstatt nach seinem Vater begann er, das Gegenteil zu immer
tun", erkl?rte Seif."Ich wei? nicht, warum." Nach seinem Wehrdienst arbeitete Le Gallou als Wachmann und dann als Manager eines Supermarktes. 1993 Lokf¨¹hrer auf der
M¨¦tro wurde er. Der Job kam mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und erlaubte ihm, in seinem au?erschulischen verw?hnen . Interessen sobald er konnte, Le Gallou ¨¹bertragen Line
6, einem luftigen Route, die durch das Herz der Stadt schneidet, und dass ihm erlaubt, den Eiffelturm zu sehen - seine Lieblings Basis-Springen Objekt -. mehrmals
t?glich Basejumping , sagte McDonnell, Le Gallou aktiviert sein Potenzial zu erf¨¹llen. Der eine gro?e Sache, die mir auffiel, war: Wow, was f¨¹r ein Geist, er hat
"McDonnell fortgesetzt." Es war nur undurchdringlichen Es war eine Konstante, flache Linie - ruhig, betrachtet, berechnet ... auf jeden springen Sie hatte gerade ..!
dieses Gef¨¹hl, wenn Sie mit ihm waren, alles lief alles in Ordnung zu sein.
michael kors bags nicht jeder hat, dass. ich in der Armee war. Sie k?nnen Menschen zu lehren, zu schreien und
zu heulen und sei ein F¨¹hrer, aber Sie k?nnen nicht lehren, "es "- das X-Faktor, dass Magie Gen Du bist nur mit ihm geboren hatte er es" ... Diese Eigenschaften wurden
in letzten Jahr Le Gallou getestet. Im Jahr 2011 starb ein Bruder verschlechterte sich die Gesundheit seiner alten Vaters und Le Gallou wurde zunehmend von einem Fu?
brach er vor Jahren gest?rt. Er verbrachte einen Gro?teil seiner Freizeit im Jahr 2011 die Unterst¨¹tzung seiner Mutter und sprang weniger oft. Viele von Le Gallou
Freunde beachten Sie, dass er auf "simplicit¨¦" in seinem Leben haben wollte. Er war auch sehr privat. Gallou Le Paquet und waren enge Freunde, aber als ich fragte, wo
Le Paquet Gallou aufgewachsen, hat er nicht. Er wei?, sagte: "Es ist seltsam f¨¹r mich jetzt, weil ich merke, wir sprachen nie ¨¹ber seine Kindheit." John Halford, ein
englischer Basis-Springen Freund, erinnerte, dass "obwohl ich wusste, dass er so gut wie ich eine der Basejumper wusste, ich didn 't wissen viel ¨¹ber seinen
Hintergrund. Es war ein bisschen eine dunkle Seite zu ihm. " In seiner Mitte der 40er Jahre, ¨¹berrascht Le Gallou viele, die ihn durch die Ausbildung wusste, um Friseur
zu werden. Mehrere seiner weiblichen Kollegen aus der M¨¦tro sagen, er war ein wunderbarer coiffeur, der noch nie f¨¹r seine Dienste in Rechnung gestellt. Tats?chlich
sagte Seif er hoffte, zu beenden die Z¨¹ge schlie?lich und ?ffnen seinen eigenen Salon. sie erkl?rte auch, dass, obwohl er immer erfolgreich mit dem anderen Geschlecht,
gl¨¹cklicher zu tun mit dem, was sie opak bezeichnet war er "Frau Dinge." Sie schloss mit den Worten, dass Lou Reeds "Walk on the wild Side "wurde in
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Gedenkgottesdienste in Grenoble und Paris gespielt. Als er an der Austrittsstelle am Obiou stand, kann man Sorge Le Gallou genervt haben vor allen anderen:. Seine
"Venom" Wingsuit In den letzten Jahren hat sich die Fl¨¹gelfl?che von Anz¨¹gen hat stark zugenommen, um den Wunsch nach einer Flugzeit gen¨¹gen ein Minute oder mehr. das
Venom ist eine der gr??ten Klagen, dass Phoenix-Fly Angebote und Le Gallou k?mpfte mit ihm von Anfang an. Er begann zun?chst mit einem Venom Ende 2011. Eine Auswahl von
E-Mails zwischen ihm und seinen Freunden, von Seif vorgesehen ist, best?tigt, dass er Schwierigkeiten haben, den Griff an der Hilfsschirm hatte. In einer
E-Mail-Austausch zwischen Le Gallou und Raoulfrom December 2011, Le Gallou said he wished to sell his Venom, as he had problems with the ¡°handle on the bottom of the
bag¡± containing the chute. Raoul replied, saying he had tested the Venom and had a similar issue with the handlefor the pilot chute. (Phoenix-Fly does not make the
pilot chute or the container, worn on the back, in which it's enclosed; these are made by several manufacturers and are sold separately. A larger wingsuit can, however,
create problems forpilots. For instance, there is a greater area of turbulence ¡ª or ¡°burble¡± ¡ª behind the flier, which can make it more difficult to deploy the
parachute.) In March 2012, Le Gallou e-mailed another friend to say that he wasinterested in buying an X-Bird ¡ª a wingsuit by the rival American company, TonySuit. If
Le Gallou was not happy with his equipment, he nonetheless persisted with it. Seif said that he flew two Venom suits. One was blue, and another, which he was wearing
when he died, was red, black and white. Robert Pecnik, who owns Phoenix-Fly, said that Le Gallou tried out a Venom from Adrenalin Base, liked it and ¡ª on April 14, 2012
¡ª bought his own version. With the new suit, Pecnik said, Le Gallou wore the pilot-chute container higher on his back. The adjustment did not go smoothly. Later that
month, Le Gallou wrote to another friend to say that he had tested his new gear with three jumps from a plane over Dieppe. But, he complained, ¡°the problem remains the
same!¡± I find the handle,¡± he wrote, ¡°but I still have the impression of having to twist like an earthworm to find it.¡± Pecnik was adamant that the Venom was not at
fault for the accident. It was, he said, too simplistic to blame a No Pull Find for the crash, as by the time Le Gallou tried to pull, he seemed to be in trouble. There
were always a series of problems that occurred when an experienced jumper died. Pilots who chose large wingsuits, Pecnik said, ¡°accepted the risk.¡± A year after Le
Gallou¡¯s death, one thing seems certain: He was practicing a sport that was leaving him behind. By 2012, largely because of wingsuits, base jumping had become
increasingly visible and accessible. Where once, novice jumpers went to extreme lengths to find mentors ¡ª or, like Le Gallou, made their first jumps alone and terrified
¡ª base schools now offered classes at popular jumping spots in Europe and America. The sport had also become professionalized. Last year, Red Bull sponsored the
first-ever ¡°World Wingsuit League¡± in China, in which pilots raced one another for speed between two fixed points. Woerth was a contestant. This entrepreneurial spirit
has come at a cost. According to a crowd-sourced database maintained by jumpers, of some 200
louis vuitton outlet people who have died base jumping since 1981, nearly half have died in the
last five years, after wingsuits became popular. Since Le Gallou¡¯s death last summer, 22 other base jumpers have died; 18 were wearing wingsuits. Le Gallou did not
resist the changes in base jumping. Although he was not an expert pilot, the wingsuit revolution thrilled him. Yet the values he embodied ¡ª modesty, caution, patience ¡ª
were being eroded by this new generation of wingsuit pilots, stimulated by speed and YouTube hits. For some experienced jumpers, the sport has become too dangerous. In
December, Gerardin wrote to me, saying: ¡°It looks like this year, many old-timers retired. They gave me different reasons, but the point is that they all told me
Herv¨¦¡¯s death was the bell ringing the end of the game.¡±